Migrating to Azure.Messaging.EventGrid

Posted by on Thu, Feb 2, 2023

Recently we started updating an Azure Functions project that processes dead letter messages from EventGrid that couldn’t be delivered to our Azure Storage Queues. As part of the upgrade we migrated from the deprecated Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid library to the Azure.Messaging.EventGrid library and came across a few differences that required somce changes to our code.

Getting the EventGridEvents from the blob trigger

Previously, we used the Newtonsoft.JSON library to deserialize the data passed to the blob trigger as follows:

 2public void Run(
 3		[BlobTrigger(_blobPath, Connection = _conn)] string myBlob,
 4		string name,
 5		ILogger log)
 7    EventGridEvent[] _events = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EventGridEvent>(myBlob);
 9	// etc.

However, using the new library the EventGridEvent type no longer has a default constructor that allows you to deserialize the JSON data directly. Instead, you need to use static methods on the EventGridEvent type to process the data as follows:

  • EventGridEvent.Parse() for a single event
  • EventGridEvent.ParseMany() for multiple events

When processing dead letter events from EventGrid, it will always be an array of at least 1 event, so we will need to use the ParseManu() method.

We will also need to use the static methods on the BinaryData type to process the data received by the blob trigger into a BinaryData type.:

  • BinaryData.FromString() if you used the string binding option on the blob trigger
  • BinaryData.FromStream() if you used the Stream binding option on the blo trigger
2public void Run(
3        [BlobTrigger(_blobPath, Connection = _conn)]Stream myBlob,
4        string name,
5        ILogger log)
7    EventGridEvent[] _events = EventGridEvent.ParseMany(BinaryData.FromStream(myBlob));

Getting the custom data from the EventGridEvent.Data property

The next issue we encountered is trying to deserialize the custom data stored in the Data property of the EventGridEvent. Again, we used to just deserialize the Data property directly but this is no longer an object type, but rather a BinaryData type.

This means that we need to use the .ToObjectFromJson<T>() method of the BinaryData type to process the custom data property into our custom data object.

1EventGridEvent[] _events = EventGridEvent.ParseMany(BinaryData.FromString(myBlob));
3foreach (EventGridEvent eventGridEvent in _events)
5    CustomEventGridData data = eventGridEvent.Data.ToObjectFromJson<CustomEventGridData>();
7    // use you data as needed

Of particular note, the new library makes use of System.Text.Json to serialize the custom data. This means that you need to switch to using the JsonPropertyName attribute on your data classes in order to deserialize the data properly.

Hence our custom data object need to be updated as follows:

 1using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
 3public class CustomEventGridData
 5    [JsonPropertyName("orderNumber")]
 6    public int OrderNumber { get; set; }
 8    [JsonPropertyName("orderTotal")]
 9    public int OrderTotal { get; set; }

Wrap up

None of this was hard, but we needed to pay closer attention to the changes described in Migration Guide that was linked from the deprecation notice on the old Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid library. However, the portion that applied to our situation was a couple of small paragraphs near the end of the document while the rest seemed more focused on the support for the CloudEvent type from Azure.Core… a standardized event type from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Details of the specification can be found at cloudevents.io.

Hopefully this helps someone else switching to the new library find what they are looking for quicker!